In our society, we feel the need to prove ourselves to others by doing things that are seen as "cool" or at least not "lame."
If you knew that I was sitting in my pajamas at 10 o'clock on a Friday night eating Halloween Oreos by myself in my dorm room, you would probably say, "oh that's so sad."
We tend to assign people the label of "un-cool" to people who don't fit with the standard concept of what we think is socially "fun" or "normal." By using this term, we distance ourselves from others to seem better, in a sense.
But in reality, no human being is better or "cooler" than another. We just all have different lifestyles and preferences.
There is NOTHING wrong with you if you want to sit in your room and watch Netflix on a Friday night. There is NOTHING wrong if you want to go out with your friends.
The problem occurs when we use our decisions to put others down and try to create boundaries of what is socially acceptable and what is not.
This was just a stream of thoughts, and now I think I'll go watch some Netflix.